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I may have quit my job | Farbs.org

Mario has something to tell you

Want to know if I quit my job? Play this game, which I sent around my office earlier today.

Click to start the game, then use arrow keys to play.

Six weeks hence indie gaming love will gush from this site. I stayed up all night working on my resignation though, so I’ll have to take a nap beforehand.


<3 Farbs

107 Comments » for I may have quit my job
  1. stuart says:

    That was awesome !! and cheered me up on a pretty miserable day! You are a talented guy and I wish you all the best !! :-) I only wish i could make games like that.. any idea where to start ?

  2. admin says:


    A lot of people are using Game Maker these days. It should be a pretty good place to start:

  3. Chris-FR says:

    I understand you, in France also we don’t know why we need to quit our job, but sometimes it’s because the boss is a fake :)

  4. Paul Matavire says:

    Hie, lucky you dude! And all the best wishes on your endevour.

    You quit, I got fired, can I also make a video game??


  5. Farbs says:

    Heh, sure why not?

  6. Zashkaser says:

    who are you? My sis is doing good I guess, shes trouble as always!

  7. Victor says:

    Cara vc pediu demissão pelo jogo …. eita coragem ….

    TA famoso ate no Brasil.

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